Eggmühler Str. 49
80993 Munich / Germany
Phone: +49 89 81 89 98 731
Email: [email protected]
Building the businesses of tomorrow.
TABE® – an academic assessment tool for adults. Educators use TABE tests to provide baselines for effective assessments of adult skills and knowledge. Human Resources (HR) departments in large corporations use it to find qualified applicants & employees for positions at all stages of staffing.
SINC – a function that occurs in signal processing. In mathematics, physics and engineering it is used in two forms (normalized & non-normalized). Since data can only be processed in limited length, the function is indispensable and essential in our digital world.
TABESINC – these 2 words are a play on words, bringing together the initial analysis that provides the data to solve the customer’s problems with limited resources and efficiency. In short, it is our vision and the basis of any consulting for you!